Wednesday 30 May 2012

Online Medical Billing and Coding Degrees: Program Options

Individuals who want to learn medical billing and coding can do so through online certificate programs. These programs usually prepare students to take one or more of the national certification exams available after graduation. Read on to find out more about education and certification in this field.

Overview of Medical Billing and Coding Certificate Programs

A medical billing and coding specialist interprets medical records and codes their contents for insurance and billing purposes. Most students begin their medical billing and coding education by completing a certificate program, which can be taken online. Participants learn how to create and maintain medical records, code diagnoses and procedures, and bill insurance companies.
Some online medical billing and coding certificate programs have prerequisites, such as proven skills in English, math and computer literacy. Applicants that don't have a medical background may have to complete courses in medical terminology, human anatomy or human biology.

Program Formats and Computer Requirements

Programs can take 6-18 months, depending if students have taken the necessary prerequisite classes and attend part-time or full-time. Students might be required to complete practicums in person at school-approved medical facilities. Both self-paced and traditional programs exist online. However the program is structured, participants typically access educational materials through course management software on a school's website.
To use course management software, it's recommended that a certificate candidate have an up-to-date computer, access to the Internet and a Web browser. E-mail and word processing software are also typically required. In addition, it may be necessary to download plug-ins, such as Java or Acrobat Reader, to watch lectures or read documents.

Typical Medical Billing and Coding Coursework

Besides courses for medical billing and coding, online programs might include office administration subjects, such as filing, scheduling and communication. Programs may also cover subjects like pharmacology, ethics and human relations.

Standards for Medical Billing Course

This course covers the health insurance policies provided by insurance carriers and Medicare. Students learn about billing forms, fraud and abuse, reimbursement, payment systems and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Procedural Coding Fundamentals Course

Students learn the standardized Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) used by medical coding specialists in the United States. Students practice coding using sample medical records and post-operative reports. Some of the coding categories covered in this course are those used for anesthesia, evaluation and management, radiology and surgery.

Beginning Diagnostic Coding Course

Medical coders need to be familiar with the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, known as ICD. This course covers ICD-9-CM and ICD-10. Students work on coding exercises based on actual medical situations.

Maintaining Medical Records Course

This class provides a thorough overview of forms and records processing for physicians' offices, hospitals and dental offices. Students are introduced to both paper and electronic records organization. This course also covers the methods used to prevent medical identity theft.

Job and Salary Prospects for Graduates

Graduates with a medical billing and coding certificate can pursue entry-level employment with medical group practices, managed care companies, physicians' offices, dental offices, insurance companies and hospitals. Some common job titles are medical billers, inpatient or outpatient medical coders, patient account representatives and administrative medical specialists.
For medical billing and coding specialists, reported a median salary of $28,590-$39,530 in July 2010. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted a rapid job growth rate of 20% from 2008-2018 (

Certification Options After Graduation

Graduates interested in further academic education can look into associate's degree programs for medical office administration. These programs are available online.
Graduates are eligible to take exams for national certification. However, medical billing and coding certification isn't a state or federal requirement. A variety of national certification exams exist, administered by organizations like the American Academy of Professional Coders, the American Health Information Management Association, the American Medical Billing Association and the National Healthcareer Association.

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