Wednesday 30 May 2012

Online LVN Schools: How to Choose

Professional online degree programs in nursing prepare students to become a licensed practical nurse (LPN) or licensed vocational nurse (LVN). Additional specialized online programs for LPNs and LVNs offer professionals a chance to gain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and qualify LVNs and LPNs for positions as registered nurses.

How to Select an Online Practical Nursing Program

Award Levels

Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) or licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) as they are referred to in Texas and California, care for the sick and disabled under the direction of a doctor or registered nurse (RN). LVNs make patients comfortable and assist with everyday tasks such as bathing, getting dressed, eating, walking and attending to personal hygiene.
In order to accomplish this, LVNs and LPNs undergo specialized training in licensed practical and vocational nursing programs. This trade degree takes a year to complete but graduates from the program must pass a licensing exam to practice as a professional LVN or LPN.

Licensing for Nurses

Nurses must be licensed to practice. Online educational programs prepare students for the licensing exams issued by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. The exam typically covers nursing essentials such as health promotion and maintenance, health care environment and principles of patient integrity.

Program Type

Online LPN or LVN degrees are offered in full online immersion or hybrid programs. Full immersion programs offer complete course instruction though virtual platforms and students generally don't need to attend on campus classes. Instead, they can view lectures on a computer or DVD player and participate in class exchanges though online chat rooms, message boards and email.
Hybrid programs provide online instruction but incorporate hands on training. Students complete lessons and assignments online but they are also required to participate in weekly or monthly workshops called clinicals. During clinical, students are taught how to administer shots, handle patients and operate medical equipment.

Technical Requirements

In order to participate in online programs students require a fast Internet connection, preferably cable or broadband, as well as enough memory to accommodate the transmission of large media files like video streaming. Students will also need to feel comfortable navigating the Internet, downloading and accessing important course materials online. Since students can spend up to 30 hours a week studying online, they must have regular access to a computer to keep on track with lectures, course updates and online discussions.

Online Degree Programs in Licensed Vocational Nursing

Online Practical Nursing Program (Online Vocational Nursing Program)

In order to be admitted to the program some schools may require students to score high on the Vocational Nursing Admission Assessment Test, which is typically included in the admission application. The yearlong degree program qualifies students for the LPN or LVN license exam and entry-level LVN positions.
Students in the program complete core academic courses in biology, medical terminology, physiology and nursing procedures. The remainder of the program focuses on clinical or technical knowledge required for medical professionals such as knowing how to operate basic medical equipment, how to read medical charts, administer shots and dress wounds.
This portion will require students to participate in simulated online exercises or attend on-campus class meetings. Since many online LVN or LPN programs offer students a choice of online or on-site training, students can participate in academic courses online during the week and meet once a week during a clinical, hands-on or simulated virtual training course.

Online LVN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

An online immersion program such as the LVN to BSN degree track is designed for licensed LPNs or LVNs who wish to advance to a RN position. The degree introduces students to topics in nursing physiology, anatomy and the health care administration.
The program can be completed within 2-3 years of online study and includes a core of liberal arts courses in sociology, psychology and communication alongside program topics in nursing care of adults, nursing leadership, pathophysiology and applied psychological statistics. Graduates from an accredited program qualify for the RN exam.

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